Happy 2015!
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Designing for the Unknown
Simon King is the design director and interaction design community lead at IDEO.
He stresses that the context that informed a particular design is going to change, and it’s essential to embrace this idea from the beginning.
as we all know as Super Heroes in RE and BA:
"without REAL stakeholders (and drilled down target groups) there are no REAL requirements and the chance of doing the right thing (as Validation Super Heroes!) is almost close to zero! So we better focus on the context and all the people "living in it...."
a short article here
Happy 2015!
He stresses that the context that informed a particular design is going to change, and it’s essential to embrace this idea from the beginning.
as we all know as Super Heroes in RE and BA:
"without REAL stakeholders (and drilled down target groups) there are no REAL requirements and the chance of doing the right thing (as Validation Super Heroes!) is almost close to zero! So we better focus on the context and all the people "living in it...."
a short article here
Happy 2015!
Friday, December 12, 2014
Key findings on the current state of requirements management.
Key findings from PMI’s 2014 survey of project practitioners and business analysts on the current state of requirements management.
interesting read and a nice infographic presentation!
interesting read and a nice infographic presentation!
Monday, August 4, 2014
interesting overview of issue-tracking SW
it is Wikipedia, and it is well done!
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_issue_tracking_systems
BUT please remember that a tool is only as good as the strategy and thoughts behind it...do not become a slave to a stupid constraining software BUT OWN THE SHOW!!!
make your RE strategy and thinking modify the use of the tool so it is really SUPPORTING the intended workflow and gives all involved the energy to work according to the workflow/process (so that the decided tool-driven workflow is at least as good as if not using the tool at all)
Many people do the "tool-dance" (many hours of hard work to get the tool to work in the environment) and after these hours they are so "comitted" that their Common Sense has left the building
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_issue_tracking_systems
BUT please remember that a tool is only as good as the strategy and thoughts behind it...do not become a slave to a stupid constraining software BUT OWN THE SHOW!!!
make your RE strategy and thinking modify the use of the tool so it is really SUPPORTING the intended workflow and gives all involved the energy to work according to the workflow/process (so that the decided tool-driven workflow is at least as good as if not using the tool at all)
Do not become a slave to a tool!
Many people do the "tool-dance" (many hours of hard work to get the tool to work in the environment) and after these hours they are so "comitted" that their Common Sense has left the building
Do not use a hammer to write and take notes!
As an IREB Super Hero, I am confident that you will use your chosen tool as a Super Hero Ray Gun!
To protect the good project and to support the good cause of developing an excellent product!
Thursday, July 24, 2014
En mycket inspirerande artikel om företaget AIRBNB och deras tänk och vedermödor fram till dagens dollarmiljärdsstatus.
Två saker i artikeln blev jag riktigt glad av att läsa:
1. rekrytering till företaget sker inte genom anställningsintervjuer utan snarare genom att personen får vara med och jobba koncentrerat kring ett verkligt "problem/utmaning" inom företaget tillsammans med en redan anställd. Samarbetsförmåga, kompetens och kreativitet bedöms därmed "live" på ett effektivt sätt!
2. deras arbete med visioner är prioriterat och de har insett vikten av att REPRESENTERA mål, visoner och idéer så att alla förstår och har tillgång till dem. De följer klassisk kreativ struktur enligt Disney-strategierna (viktig kunskapsmängd inom NLP!) och samarbetar med PIXAR för att visualisera framtidsplanerna på ett effektivt sätt genom illustrationer.
vilka härliga företag det finns därute, som tänker riktigt riktigt bra :-)
Två saker i artikeln blev jag riktigt glad av att läsa:
1. rekrytering till företaget sker inte genom anställningsintervjuer utan snarare genom att personen får vara med och jobba koncentrerat kring ett verkligt "problem/utmaning" inom företaget tillsammans med en redan anställd. Samarbetsförmåga, kompetens och kreativitet bedöms därmed "live" på ett effektivt sätt!
2. deras arbete med visioner är prioriterat och de har insett vikten av att REPRESENTERA mål, visoner och idéer så att alla förstår och har tillgång till dem. De följer klassisk kreativ struktur enligt Disney-strategierna (viktig kunskapsmängd inom NLP!) och samarbetar med PIXAR för att visualisera framtidsplanerna på ett effektivt sätt genom illustrationer.
vilka härliga företag det finns därute, som tänker riktigt riktigt bra :-)
Saturday, July 19, 2014
New issue of IREB magazine! (#3!)
the 3rd issue of the free online RE Magazine will be out on July 30
· Measuring the Value of Requirements by Joy Beatty and Candase Hokanson
· Automated Quality Assurance of Software Requirements by Harry M. Sneed
· Open Up: How the ReqIF Standard for Requirements Exchange disrupts the Tool Market by Michael Jastram
· How agile can Requirements Engineers really be? by Gareth Rogers
· ADVANCE: A New Approach for Requirements validation and rigorous verification by Brett Bicknell, Karim Kanso and Daniel McLeod
· Product Management by Christoph Ebert
a nice summer read :-})
Thursday, July 17, 2014
22 034!
latest IREB statistics
In Q2 2014 the growth was about 15% compared to Q2 2013!
The growth in the first 6 months is about 32% compared to 2013!
In Q2 2014 the growth was about 15% compared to Q2 2013!
The growth in the first 6 months is about 32% compared to 2013!
nice to know that YOUR have an international recognized valid platform for RE work and expertise :-)
Monday, July 7, 2014
Conscious Machines
very interesting article connecting to Herbert Simon and Bounded Rationality that I introduced in the IREB CPRE FL course :-)
"Human analysts make poor decisions when they must take into account a number of attributes simultaneously: decision-makers may be aware of many different factors, but it is seldom more than one or two that they consider at any one time. One effect is that experts are often influenced by irrelevant information."
"Humans tend to violate properties of both exclusivity and transitivity of comparison: if a pair of alternatives is presented to a subject many times, successive presentations being well separated by other choices, a given subject does not necessarily choose the same alternative each time."
"Human analysts make poor decisions when they must take into account a number of attributes simultaneously: decision-makers may be aware of many different factors, but it is seldom more than one or two that they consider at any one time. One effect is that experts are often influenced by irrelevant information."
"Humans tend to violate properties of both exclusivity and transitivity of comparison: if a pair of alternatives is presented to a subject many times, successive presentations being well separated by other choices, a given subject does not necessarily choose the same alternative each time."
Monday, June 30, 2014
Feature Models and AND/OR trees!
Feature models are an effective way to representatn all the "features" in a Software Product Line (SPL)
But for us IREB SuperHeroes we immediately see how close they are to our AND/OR trees !!!
Feature models were first introduced in the Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA) by KANG et al
a short feasibility study is available here (interesting read!)
>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/4fituhgmjvu3j9f/FeatureOrientedDomainAnalysis-FODA_%281990%29_KANG_COHEN_HESS_NOVAK_PETERSON.pdf
>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/tft02e21vbc7a8u/infosnap_Feature%20model.pdf
But for us IREB SuperHeroes we immediately see how close they are to our AND/OR trees !!!
Feature models were first introduced in the Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA) by KANG et al
a short feasibility study is available here (interesting read!)
>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/4fituhgmjvu3j9f/FeatureOrientedDomainAnalysis-FODA_%281990%29_KANG_COHEN_HESS_NOVAK_PETERSON.pdf
>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/tft02e21vbc7a8u/infosnap_Feature%20model.pdf
Friday, June 13, 2014
Bra bloggartikel om Assumptions inom reklam och varumärken av varumärkesutvecklaren Micco Grönholm
http://micco.se/2011/10/det- du-formodligen-tror-ar-bra- reklam-ar-inte-sa-bra-som-du- tror/
Artikeln tar upp och analyserar den välkända "The Common Sense Model", en förklaringsmodell för hur hur marknadsförare och reklambyråer planerar och utvärderar reklamaktiviteter och hur reklam "fungerar". Modellen skapades av Les Binet och Peter Field,
Men funkar den verkligen?
Självanalysen och skapandet av MÄTBARHET av modellens Assumptions är klart intressant!
Självanalysen och skapandet av MÄTBARHET av modellens Assumptions är klart intressant!
Starka kopplingar till vårt RE arbete!
Monday, June 2, 2014
NY blogg: Kravhantering är ett dåligt ord!
>>> http://www.inceptive.se/blog/2014/6/2/kravhantering-ar-ett-daligt-ord.html
och missa inte att signa upp för en PONO!
>>> http://www.ponomusic.com/
>>> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1003614822/ponomusic-where-your-soul-rediscovers-music
och missa inte att signa upp för en PONO!
>>> http://www.ponomusic.com/
>>> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1003614822/ponomusic-where-your-soul-rediscovers-music
Friday, May 23, 2014
RE14! - the best of Requirements Engineering @ the IEEE International Conference!
Every RE-practitioner need some inspiration and also to meet the brothers and sisters in the industry and in academia, fighting for the same thing!
RE14 is the place to be and to do, learn, listen and make lots of RE friends and contacts!
Innovation in Requirements Engineering
considers new ideas and breakthroughs in the area.
Innovation through Requirements Engineering centers on how its practices, processes, models, methods and frameworks enable and support innovation in product development
A lot of workshops and tutorials will be given by a mix of industrial practitioners and academics.
hope to see you there!
Bakgrunden till System Context uppdelningen av Klaus Pohls RE framework informationsmodell
Artikeln är från 1993 och Klaus Pohl och Matthias Jarke pratar om "worlds" istället för "facets" som används i dagens RE framework informationsmodell.
Det viktiga är att man förstår att det finns ett logiskt samband mellan de olika vyerna och att de faktiskt knyter an till den semiotiska triangeln (Ogdens triangel) som vi gick igenom i IREB CPRE FL-kursen!(intention, extension, referent/objekt och konceptuell tanke etc..).... Jag tror att jag kommer skriva en blogg om detta snart :-)
"Establishing vision in context - towards a model of Requirements Processes"
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/10sqv0bfmcjyqpd/_establishing%20vision%20in%20context-JARKE_POHL_1993.pdf
Det viktiga är att man förstår att det finns ett logiskt samband mellan de olika vyerna och att de faktiskt knyter an till den semiotiska triangeln (Ogdens triangel) som vi gick igenom i IREB CPRE FL-kursen!(intention, extension, referent/objekt och konceptuell tanke etc..).... Jag tror att jag kommer skriva en blogg om detta snart :-)
"Establishing vision in context - towards a model of Requirements Processes"
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/10sqv0bfmcjyqpd/_establishing%20vision%20in%20context-JARKE_POHL_1993.pdf
Thursday, May 22, 2014
En ny Inceptive BLOGGpost om vikten av att tänka rätt
Som ni vet så hatar jag "Icke-Funktionella krav"
och kämpar för att vi ska dela in världen i FR, QR och CONSTR :-)
och kämpar för att vi ska dela in världen i FR, QR och CONSTR :-)
Denna Blogg är ännu ett slag i denna kamp!
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