Saturday, December 21, 2019

updated IREB@AGILE Advanced level

IREB org has  a new versions of the syllabus, handbook and practice exam for the CPRE Advanced Level RE@Agile.

it is AWESOME stuff for REAL RE/BA people in an often "Agile-stupid" world!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Tom Gilb!

just read it!

I you have even more arguments to do every IREB cert there is!

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Advanced Level Elicitation syllabus 2.0.1

The CPRE Advanced Level Elicitation syllabus 2.0.1 is now published on the website!

yet another step towards REAL professional Requirements Engineering and Business Analysis!

CPRE Advanced Level Elicitation - Syllabus

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

cool alliance between IREB and ISTQB !

With great pleasure we want to inform you that the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB®) and the International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB®) have entered into an alliance to further promote the software testing and requirements engineering professions together.

We are thrilled by this great achievement and look forward to the cooperation very much!

You will find more info on the IREB website in our news section, on the alliances pageand on the ISTQB® website.